
Create Factorio blueprints from any song!

or drag and drop

Questions and Answers

What is Miditorio?

Miditorio allows you to create Factorio blueprints that play your favorite songs in-game using programmable speakers.

How does it work?

Simply select a MIDI file of the song you want to convert. Miditorio will automatically assign each track to a programmable speaker instrument, then generate Factorio signals that contain the musical information for each note.

The default settings work well for most songs, but you can fine-tune parameters like instrument assignment and note velocity groups if desired.

What is a MIDI file?

A MIDI file is a standard file format that contains musical data – such as notes, timing, and instrument information – but not actual audio recordings. This allows software like Miditorio to read and convert the music into programmable speaker events. You can find MIDI files for many songs online by searching for the song name followed by "MIDI". There are websites dedicated to sharing MIDI files, or you can create your own using music composition software.

What are note ranges and why do they matter?

Each instrument in Factorio has a limited note range, meaning it cannot play notes that are too high or too low. To ensure no notes are missing from your song, assign an instrument that covers the full range of notes in the track. If a single instrument doesn't cover all notes, you can assign multiple instruments to a track. This way, if the first instrument cannot play a note, the second one might, and so on.

Can I use this without buying the Space Age DLC?

Yes! The Space Age DLC is not required to use Miditorio. However, if you do have it, Miditorio can utilize the extra signals provided by the DLC to make the resulting blueprint smaller. Be sure to select the correct option at the final step when exporting your blueprint.

How can I mute all programmable speakers?

If you're experiencing spam from programmable speakers in a multiplayer game, you can mute them by using the following command in the console:

/mute-programmable-speaker mute

If you're an admin and want to mute speakers for all players, you can use:

/mute-programmable-speaker mute everyone

Running these commands does not disable achievements.